The TH14 Double Trouble Limited Edition is a pack made by the Builder Duo who are well experienced in making Anti 2 Style Bases.
2 ESL & 2 Legends Designs by our Experts who have a lot of experience building hard-to-crack Ring bases.
![Blueprint Double Trouble Pack Limited Edition CoC Pro Bases](
4 TH14 Pro Pass Test Clash of Clans Bases:
- GHOST ESL Anti 2 Box-shaped, huge deadzone surrounded core, spread baits, open walls!
- GHOST Legend League (5700+) Anti 2 Heavy & compact core, core & peripheral baits, heavy damage zones!
- JOTAPE ESL Anti 2 Heavily baited open core, hard-to-path wall formations, concentrated damage!
- JOTAPE Legend League (5700+) Anti 2 Spaced out core with multiple layers of defenses, heavy baits & open comps.